《welcome to SATHYA's world》 → SATHYA's music → 《ONDE》 |
Onde, is a French word, and means 'wave' or 'undulation'.
We chose this name by starting of our group in 1999,
because this word expresses essence of our music style, and because of beautiful sound.
We think that essence of music is undulation, not only materialistic meaning, and may be we can say also 'atmosphere'.
We investigate of property or character of undulation,
and inquiry into which undulation can make impression or ease on human mind,
or make positive influence and effect on environment.
On this meaning, we think that we are not only musicians,
but also "ndulation masters" to make happy all people taking control of the undulation.
This is the reason, that we chose the name 'Onde'.
We have to search many things more, because our aim is very wide and deep,
but if many people can feel happiness through this way, than we are very happy.
We wish you that you take something to be happy from our music.
(text by Satoshi Mukai)
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